The definition of a rut in the dictionary states first, that it is a long,

deep track made by repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles, a great

analogy for the second definition which describes the human condition;

a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive

but is hard to change. Let’s talk about the vast number of layers, that

can complicate things.

The first definition actually draws a great picture of what it’s like to be in

a rut; your wheels are in the mud, you’re driving and sinking deeper, unable

to keep a straight path, forced to veer in the wrong direction or swerve

side to side. It can be bumpy and uncomfortable to go over. Your adrenaline

surges high and it’s mentally exhausting.  If you’re not careful you could get

stuck or cause damage.

The second definition of course is in reference to the human “rut’ but can

sound a bit simplistic against what a large number of us have faced, are

facing, will face. The reason is because the word “rut“ defines only the end

state of being but while we are in a rut we are still living in all of the things

that led up to being in a rut.

It may feel like much more than a dull, unproductive habit or pattern of

behavior that is hard to change because we are focusing on the path that

got us here and this can make it difficult for us to identify what we are

going through as such.

When we fall on the cement and as a result we scrape our knee, we don’t

really care anymore about the fall or the cement. We have a scrape that

needs healing and that is all that matters moving forward.

However, it is not easy to separate the causes from the result when it comes

to a rut. They are too relevant and active in the whole state we are in. A rut

changes. It doesn’t stay the same. Even when we are stuck, it continues to

change and grow around us, particularly when there are other people

involved (which there almost always is).

They will exercise their free will and we will still have the choice to think or

feel something about that, so we need to look at the causes in that big

picture for accurate impact and to really be able to do the work to get out

of a rut (and live a RFL).

What Causes A Rut? 

I describe the cause of a rut to be all of the layers of a persons life, the

people in it and the corresponding dynamics along with situation,

perception, emotion and choices acted upon which affects the ability

of someone to get past pitfalls in life whether those pitfalls are normal

or extraordinary.

Remember in school learning about how many combinations are

possible with a specific number of digits? Remember how exponential

the results grew with each additional digit? For example, with three

digits you can only make 27 combinations. With 10 digits, that number

goes off the charts. Just imagine how many different phone number

combinations there are.

This is similar to what we are looking at when considering the differences

in people’s lives, personalities, perceptions, emotions and all of the layers

that make us unique along with the past and real time situations, our

dreams, our fears, and possible choices. There are too many potential

layers to count that could affect things and therefore, potential situational

combinations to infinity.

The majority of us are capable of handling things in our lives that we consider

negative. Most times it is multiple things all at once that put enough weight

on us to stifle our ability to continue moving forward at a normal pace on our

life paths.

When this happens, the response to each additional layer is altered because

of the present state of mind which is how things can begin to spiral

exponentially. We can lose touch with ourselves in the process because we

are responding to circumstances in ways we would not normally respond and

this can create some confusion to throw into the mix.

Also, people we know detect the changes in our behavior and begin to respond

differently to us and this can be a hammer on the nail. When our emotions

begin to paralyze the daily flow we once had, our mind, working overtime to

figure things out, keeps us constantly focused on all of the things that got us

here. This constant deep focus can be mentally exhausting.

While things are factually happening in our lives, there are also emotions that

determine how circumstances feel to us because emotions are subjective. I

like to say that emotions live in another dimension from facts.

I’m not saying that emotions are wrong or unimportant, they just don’t live on

the same plane as facts and this needs understanding before we can

effectively begin to pull things apart and climb out of the rut.

Signs You Might Be In A Rut

The process into the state of being in a rut can be very gradual. You may

even think you are heading in a healthy direction for a large part of the journey

down into the mud pit until one day you recognize that you are stuck. “Stuck“

seems to be the most common description of the feeling of being in a rut.

Of course, no one has the same exact experience or intensity and a single

word description is far too simplistic in most cases. Some may describe it as

frozen, paralyzed. In any case, it revolves around the seemingly inability to

start moving steadily towards something positive in your life’s path.

The happiest word in the last sentence is “seemingly“ because while it may

not seem possible right now, you are capable of freeing yourself from the

grips of a rut. It takes work. It takes persistence. It takes time. It can hurt. If

you think about the possibilities it is robbing you of though, it is more than

worth the effort.

Something to consider; because a rut often comes on very gradually, over

time you may have also gradually become acclimated to a lower standard

of well-being.

You may have a difficult time remembering, how much better you felt

before you fell into a rut, so when you are contemplating how much

better your world (and RFL) could be if you conquer this state of being, you may

want to give a multiplier and assume it will be much better than you can

currently imagine.

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